Current Projects

A photo of the Brooklyn Bridge's archways, with suspension cables crisscrossing the visual field.

Composing Across

Dissertation Project

What does it mean to write across? After all, every act of writing is an act of crossing. Writing is a medium (print, screens, symbols, images)—literally, an in-betweenness that must be crossed to connect authors to audiences. Yet from another perspective, writing is the crosser; it moves across, blends, and connects persons, meanings, identities, languages, locations, temporalities, media, and purposes.

My dissertation takes up concepts of intersections and crossing points in composition studies by empirically investigating three sites: expert writers composing academic digital media projects; international writing partnerships in a composition classroom; and technology professional development for in-service writing faculty.

Rewriting Roles in Social Work

This longitudinal case study of the writing lives of social work graduate student-practitioners cautions educators and researchers to attend to identity, self-efficacy, and the gatekeeping functions of writing in graduate writing.

Racism in the Margins

The margins of student papers are crucial spaces of interaction and learning. But they can also be spaces where the linguistic racism in our education becomes visible, something writing centers all too often bear witness to. This initiative works to develop best practices for anti-racist writing instruction with faculty across disciplines.

Redrawing Delivery: A Recycled Sketch of Rhetoric's Fifth Canon

This comic essay brings together conversations in rhetoric, circulation, and genre studies to suggest new possibilities for the teaching of writing. Ultimately, it argues for a theory of (re)delivery that imagines delivery and invention not as points on a line but as parts of a cycle that recursively provoke and inform one another.
