Appendix C: Questionnaire and Interview Questions

Entrance Questionnaire Questions

  1. Please rate your confidence with assigning multimodal projects in classes that you teach. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not confident at all; 5=very confident] 
  2. Please rate your confidence with evaluating multimodal projects in classes that you teach. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not confident at all; 5=very confident]
  3. Please rate your confidence with producing multimodal projects yourself. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not confident at all; 5=very confident]
  4. I have created ___ multimodal projects in the past [0; 1-2; 3-5; 6-10; 11+]
  5. Please rate your interest in or enthusiasm for multimodal composition. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not at all interested or enthusiastic; 5=very interested/enthusiastic]
  6. How important to you is improving your confidence with each of the following? [5-point Likert scales]
    • Multimodal composition theory
    • Activities/assignments for multimodal composition
    • Evaluative criteria for multimodal student projects
    • Specific technology skills (e.g., Audacity, iMovie, etc.)
    • Broad rhetorical skills for multimodal composition
    • Digital research skills
    • Copyright and intellectual property for digital texts
    • Analytical skills for interpreting multimodal texts
  7. What motivated you to register for the WAT Institute? [short answer]
  8. What motivated you to register for the WAT Institute? [short answer]
  9. What are you hoping to get out of the WAT Institute? [short answer] 

Exit Questionnaire Questions

  1. Please rate your confidence with assigning and evaluating multimodal projects in classes that you teach. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not confident at all; 5=very confident] 
  2. Please rate your confidence with producing multimodal projects yourself. [5-point Likert scale: 1=not confident at all; 5=very confident] 
  3. Please rate your overall experience with the WAT Institute. [5-point Likert scale: 1=very poor; 5=excellent]
  4. What did you find most valuable about the WAT Institute? [short answer]
  5. What would have improved your experience? [short answer]
  6. Would you recommend this institute to a colleague? [yes/no]
  7. Why or why not? [short answer] 

Interview Questions for WAT Institute Coordinators

  1. What is your role in planning and/or facilitating the WAT Institute? 
  2. Could you describe your background and experiences with multimodal composition? 
  3. Could you describe your previous experiences with other professional development workshops/institutes? 
    • Follow-up: Have those experiences influenced the way you’ve planned the WAT Institute? If so, how?  
  4. What perceived need(s) is the WAT Institute meeting? 
  5. What outcomes do you hope the WAT Institute will have? 
  6. Why did you choose to structure the institute the way that you did? 
  7. Did you run into challenges in coordinating the WAT Institute?
    • If yes: Could you tell me more about that? 
  8. If you had more time/resources or had the chance to do it over, what would you change?  

Interview Questions for WAT Institute Participants

  1. How would you define your role(s) at this university?  
  2. Could you describe your background and experiences with multimodal composition before attending the WAT Institute?
  3. What was your confidence level with multimodal composition before the institute?
  4. Do you bring multimodal composition practices into your teaching? Your research? 
  5. How did the WAT Institute influence the way you think about or approach multimodal composition? 
  6. What is your motivation to learn more about multimodal composition? 
  7. What were your expectations about the WAT Institute going in? 
  8. How did your experience with the institute compare to your expectations?
  9. What part(s) of the institute worked particularly well for you?
  10. What do you wish had been done differently?
  11. What do you feel was the most significant thing you took away from the WAT Institute? 
  12. Is there anything you plan to change about the way you teach or conduct research as a result of the WAT Institute? 

Follow-Up Questions for Institute Participants (6 Months Later)

  1. Reflecting now, what do you continue to find valuable about your experience at the WAT Institute? 
  2. Is there anything you are doing currently, in your research or your teaching, that you believe was influenced by your experience at the WAT Institute? 
  3. What do you believe are the most effective ways for instructors and researchers to improve their skill and confidence with multimodal composition? 
  4. If you had the opportunity to participate in other professional development opportunities for multimodal composition in the future, would you? 
  5. How do you incorporate multimodal composition into your teaching? If no: What are the reasons you don’t? 
  6. How do you incorporate multimodal composition into your research/writing?
    • If no: What are the reasons you don’t?

© Gabriel Morrison, 2021
